Adoption Database
Pending Registrations Search Tips Contact Administrator

Adoption Database Registry


ID OR PASSWORD ARE NOT REQUIRED to view or search our Registry.
The login is for Administrators only.

To search, click the Magnifying Glass which is the "SEARCH" button on the upper right. Search any keyword, i.e. Maiden Name, Agency. Be sure to enter DOB in mm/dd/yyyy format.

Clicking the column heading will sort in alpha or numerical order.

To inquire on a possible match in our Registry, please select the "Contact Us" link below.  Be sure to include the Registration # so we may forward your inquiry to the registrant.

Click here to register your search

Adoption Database Registry

The Adoption Database consists of adoptees, birth mothers, birth fathers, birth siblings, other birth family and adoptive family members in the process of searching for a family member.
The Adoption Database provides one of the highest exposures for public viewing since particular fields are easily retrieved by most search engines. Email addresses and adoptive names are not exposed for your safety.
There are over 200 pages of Registrations with over 150 entries per page.  Additional pages can be selected at the bottom of each screen.
The Adoption Database has recorded over 7,000 reunions.  Do not hesitate to view a registration that has been marked as "Found" in case there were multiple children relinquished.  To update your contact information or make changes to your existing Registration, select Update link below.

**You may search our entire Adoption Registry by clicking the Magnifying Glass which is the SEARCH button located on the top right.

NO LOG IN OR PASSWORD IS REQUIRED. This will search all fields for the criteria you have entered. (i.e., DOB - format is mm/dd/yyyy) You may select one of the links on the left to search by decade or by State of Birth. You may also do an ADVANCED SEARH to search a specific field, such as "maiden name", etc. The advanced search option can be found by clicking "Adoption Database" with the black folder on the light blue menu bar, then scroll downward to locate "Show records where (all) of these conditions are true" and select the field and enter the data you wish to search for.

Registration Fee is $10

*IMPORTANT - if the $10 registration fee is NOT paid, your registration will NOT be added to our Adoption Registry.

We are now having to charge $10 to cover the additional expense to locate Registrants who fail to update their contact information when they move or their email address or phone numbers change.

The registration fee helps to cover the expense of housing the registration as well as for long distance phone calls. We prefer to call you when someone inquires on your search, rather then trust something of such importance to be sent by email which may never be read or is sorted into your spam folder.

PENDING REGISTRATIONS is for registrations that were submitted to us, but the $10 registration fee was not paid, therefore the information is not viewable or information disclosed, until it is paid. Information regarding pending registrations are not included in the decade or City/State links on the left menu, they must be viewed separately by clicking Pending Registrations from the light blue menu. If you are interested in a particular pending registration, you may use the "Contact Us" link and be sure to include the registration number.

Read below for more information about our No Find No Fee Dedicated Search.

Visit our Main Website

Visit our main website at "Home of the Adoption Database".

Read testimonials and televised reunion articles of some of our reunions and to register your search.

The Adoption Database also invites you to join our search & support group. As you register your adoption search, you will be given the option of joining us. This adoption group is moderated and all members are required to complete a registration form in order to join. If you choose to join us, you may elect to receive individual email or a daily digest (1 email per day) from other members and numerous search angels who offer their assistance and support.

The Adoption Database is recommended by numerous Dept of Social Services and Adoption Agencies across the country.


No Find No Fee Dedicated Search

Are you searching for an adoptee or birth family with no results?

We know not everyone has time to search or may have hit dead ends. NO FIND NO FEE DEDICATED SEARCH may be your answer.

We are offering No Find No Fee Dedicated Search for those who are at a standstill in their search or cannot dedicate the time required to search on their own. There is a $25 Enrollment Fee to sign up for this type of search. You only pay our low flat fee of $175 after the subject or immediate family member is located.

Sign up here for a No Find No Fee Dedicated Search! As a long-time search angel who has helped hundreds and hundreds to reunite, I realize that many of us randomly select a search to help with, based on available time and finances. You may have experienced this yourself when someone is helping you and then things come to a dead end.

Many of us searchers don't have the money to help as we'd like to. We can not afford the out-of-pocket expense that it requires to help reunite families. Therefore we have teamed together and are offering to do a No Find No Fee Dedicated Search for anyone who wants our help.

This fee was decided on to make it easy on your pocket book and still allow us to help reunite families to cover the cost of searching the databases, making telephone calls, etc. You would probably invest the same amount or much more over time and may not realize it.

Remember, the fee only applies if the party you are searching for or their immediate family is found. If it is determined that the person is deceased, contact information for the decedents immediate family will be provided and the fee does apply to cover the expenses incurred.

Report Name *
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Fields to Extract:

Name for the new table:
Items in the new table are called:

When you bring additional fields into a conversion, Quickbase often finds inconsistencies. For example, say you're converting your Companies column into its own table. One company, Acme Corporation, has offices in New York, Dallas and Portland. So, when you add the City column to the conversion, Quickbase finds three different locations for Acme. A single value in the column you're converting can only match one value in any additional field. Quickbase needs you to clean up the extra cities before it can create your new table. To do so, you have one of two choices:

  • If you want to create three separate Acme records (Acme-New York, Acme-Dallas and Acme-Portland) click the Conform link at the top of the column.
  • If the dissimilar entries are mistakes (say Acme only has one office in New York and the other locations are data-entry errors) go back into your table and correct the inconsistencies—in this case, changing all locations to New York. Then try the conversion again.

Read more about converting a column into a table.

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